Gennéa N. Squire de Torres, Principal

Gennéa started her career in politics and the intelligence community, later transitioning to the corporate world. Upon completion of graduate school, she worked in Talent Management Consulting in a variety of industries including: energy, sales & marketing, telecommunications, healthcare, and real estate. Her overall philosophy in all of these industries is simple, “investing in human capital is the best investment any leader can make.”

Gennéa holds a Master’s Degree in Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management from Southern Methodist University, focusing on human capital growth, leadership development, executive coaching, corporate conflicts, and negotiations.  She has certifications in mediation and executive coaching as well as a selection of personality assessments such as DiSC and Adept15, among others. In addition to English, Gennéa speaks French & Spanish.

Our Approach


Organizations reach out to Cadré Talent Consulting for a variety of reasons, some examples are below:

  • An executive is planning to retire and the company wants to fill the role internally but doesn’t know where to begin;

  • A sales organization has talent spread across the country in a variety of regions and their new leader wants to get a view of their team as a whole;

  • An engineering team is having a difficult time meeting business goals, their leadership wants to assess and find a way to fill any skill gaps;

  • In a company that previously had a Talent Management team, their finance team wants to continue their annual talent reviews, so they are seeking an experienced facilitator.

What’s your reason?



Gennéa has not only worked in a variety of industries but she has implemented strategies for a variety of teams.

  • Talent mapped hundreds of physicians across Texas’ largest health system;

  • Identified successors for executives of hospitals, finance teams, sales leaders, and engineers;

  • Built leadership programs for coal miners, engineering teams, sales people, and nurses;

  • Coached millennials through career advancements and transitions and built a global mentioning program for a multinational corporation.

bespoke talent strategy

When you work with Cadré Talent Consulting, you get a unique customized talent strategy. We can assess the needs of not only your individual team but of the entire organization. We will work with you to build out a strategy that is minimally disruptive to your corporate calendar and will help you build the future leadership of your organization, so you can optimize your business goals and reward your people.

Hiring Cadré is like having your own internal Talent Management team but better because we are discrete, confidential, and work outside of your employment costs. We are your external unbiased partner, ready to help you grow your talent.